It’s a gentle relaxing massage recommended after 12 weeks pregnancy. Pregnancy massage relaxes tense muscles, eases pain, improves circulation and mobility, and encourages a sense of wellbeing and total relaxation.
In pregnancy, the body changes quickly and significantly to support the growing baby. The centre of gravity alters and weight balance changes as your bump grows and gets heavier. That can change your posture and the way in which the muscles work to support your body. It can often result in more sore points and quite commonly cause an achy back. Pregnancy massage can bring enormous relief to these aches, muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain. It is especially helpful in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs. Pregnancy massage increases blood and lymphatic circulation, which can reduce swelling thereby reducing stress on weight-bearing joints & improving outcome of labour and easing labour pain.
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