Restore your energy and reawaken your dreams with Wellness Coaching for Mums

“I can’t even explain the love that you feel for your child, it is more powerful than anything I have felt before.” These are the words that I heard from a Mum that I worked with over six years ago and they have stayed with me. They are also not the first worlds I have heard about the love between a mother and her child and they definitely won’t be the last. 

I hear from Mums all the time how becoming a Mum was the best thing that ever happened to them. They share with me their lovely stories of how their baby came into this world, they share all the little moments as well as all the big ones and as they do so you can just see the love in their eyes as they light up telling their stories. They tell me about their day and how they spent it, they tell me about the places they went and the activities they planned, and in most of these conversations that I have, they very rarely talk about themselves, or how they feel or what they want. Why? Because they feel guilty if they do.

Mums are so used to taking care of everyone else that when the time comes that the kids go off to school or even fly the nest, they don’t know what to do with themselves. They have been a carer to everyone else for so long that they have in some ways forgotten who they were and what they loved to do before they became a Mum.

Mums are so used to giving, that when faced with a question such as “What do you want?” they don’t know how to answer. 

This is where wellness coaching can help. Coaching can help Mums to feel safe, heard and understood.  In the coaching space Mums are encouraged to dream big, explore and rediscover whatever it is that they would like out of life. 

Wellness Coaching is for you if you are: 

  • Giving all your energy to others and leaving very little for yourself
  • Feeling overwhelmed, stressed or unmotivated
  • A little lost in life
  • Struggling to find your passion
  • Lacking confidence 
  • Afraid to share your desires with others
  • Feeling guilty for thinking of yourself
  • Feeling like you do not deserve time for you

Wellness coaching can:

  • Give you back that awesome energy that will be enough for everyone
  • Kick overwhelm and stress out the window and make you feel super motivated
  • Reawaken your dreams and goals to help you find your path
  • Help you to rediscover your passions
  • Boost your confidence so you feel like superwoman
  • Empower you to share your desires with assurance and ease
  • Help you say goodbye to that ugly guilt monster
  • Restore the love between you and yourself so you never doubt how much you deserve some time

It is an absolute joy to see when Mums rediscover what it is they want out of life, when they learn that it is possible to be an awesome parent and to take time to go after the life of their dreams!  

And please remember, you are awesome, you are doing amazing and you deserve the best! 

Warm wishes,

Sadb Boushel-Payne


-Wellness Coach